Register a transaction

Register a transaction

Learn how to register a transaction on behalf of a user, you will need to:


Use the createTransaction function and include the necessary parameters.

export const createTransaction = extendType({
  type: "Mutation",
  definition(t) {
    t.field("createTransaction", {
      type: CreateTransactionPayload,
      args: {
        input: arg({
          type: inputObjectType({
            name: "CreateTransactionInput",
            description: "Input parameters for creating a transaction.",
            definition(t) {
              t.nonNull.string("amount", {
                description: "TBD",
      resolve: async (parent, { input }, ctx) => {
        return {
          transaction: {
            id: "1234",
            active: true,


Use the commitTransaction function to finalize the transaction.

export const commitTransaction = extendType({
  type: "Mutation",
  definition(t) {
    t.field("commitTransaction", {
      type: CommitTransactionPayload,
      args: {
        input: arg({
          type: inputObjectType({
            name: "CommitTransactionInput",
            description: "Input parameters for committing a transaction.",
            definition(t) {
              t.nonNull.string("token", {
                description: "TBD",
              t.nonNull.string("userId", {
                description: "TBD",
      resolve: async (parent, { input }, ctx) => {
        return {
          transaction: {
            id: "1234",
            active: true,

After these steps have been completed, a new transaction will have been created.

Last updated on December 30, 2022